Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It was another hot and scorching day!  Hard to breath today because of the humidity.  You are just constantly wet from sweating!  One man in our group has decided to not bring dark colored shirts to China because the sweat leaves white streaks all over his shirt.  Another teacher played basketball with the kids and got on the bus soaking wet with sweat!  Ugg!

I taught about feelings today. We learned new vocabulary words like disgusted, embarrassed, proud, and more. They used them in sentences, practiced reciting the words, and listened to a story using the words.

After school we hopped on a bus for a trip to a silk factory. The workers there make about $150 a month, and work about 12 hours a day.  It looks like back breaking work.  I believe they are artists, and in the US would be making tons of money, but here they are considered low class.  They make about 6 centimeters of silk fabric a day.  One person sits on top of the loom and works with the silk arranging it so the person on the bottom can do the weaving. The weavers sit on a board, and many of them pad it with a pillow, but others just sit on the wood. We are so blessed to have the jobs we have.

I talked to my teacher and she works 11 hours a day, six days a week with her students.  She makes about $400 a month, which is good for their standards, but for the amount of work! Forget it!  We practiced for the program, but when the officials came in to observe they said it was good, but I needed more movement!  Well, too bad they didn't tell us that before!  I don't know if we made it in the program or not!  I really don't care either way!  Less work for me if we don't! 
Today was the 9th day of teaching. 3 days left! 

It is 8 pm and 86 degree and 79% humidity. Probably at least 100 today!  
Gotta love it!

We had Chinese for lunch today! Surprise. Tofu with pork, rice, edamame beans with squash (it was yummy), two kinds of spinach, soup with seaweed and eggs, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and yellow sponge cake! I'm sure they only made it for the foreigners!  We are spoiled!


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