Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday in Korea

Another exciting day in Korea!  

We got up and headed to the temple, via the subway. Only $1.00 each way for as many transfers as we need! It is getting easier to ride, and if we were here another month we would probably get the hang of it!

We had a wonderful session at the temple. We attended a Korean session, but were given headphones to listen to it in English. It was full too, but mostly women. It was about the size of the Alaska Temple. There was a beautiful Korean chest in there that had a sign that said it was given to President Hinckley, and then he donated it back to the temple. It was very beautiful in there.

We then went back to the same market that we went to yesterday. I wanted to get my sister a coach bag. To bad I didn't think of it in China, it would have been much less expensive.  I looked for some military stuff for Kevin, but she wanted a lot of money and I think I can get it cheaper at the base in Alaska. We had lunch at a small food stall. We both had noodles and some "California rolls". Kevin would have loved them! They pack you into these tiny restaurants and it is loud and busy, but the food is filling and tasty.  They cook it right next to the pedestrian road. 

There are a couple of beggars in that market that just break my heart. They have a little wagon that they push in front of them that holds a basket to put money on. They crawl along the ground and pull with their arms because they don't have legs. They have made these pants out of old tires that they drag along the ground on. And one of them has a radio that he plays. It is very sad. 

We headed home and near the base is the Korean War Memorial. We decided to take a tour of it. It is a huge building with lots of displays. It really helped me understand the war a little better.  Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I can now understand why the Koreans don't seem to like the Chinese. Kind of like the Chinese not liking the Japanese.  Too bad we just can't all get along!

We went and had a pedicure when we got back to the hotel. We figured we have been walking hard on these old feet for a month and wanted them to look half decent when we got home. It certainly wasn't as cheap as China, but less than the states.  Not much less, but less.  Our time of pampering is about over! Soon we will be back to the real world, cooking, cleaning, working! Oh boy!


MM said...

I swear, that's the same beggar that was there when I was a little kid!

Glad you are finding all the places to see!

Lisa Weight said...

How wonderful that you found the temple and were able to go to church. That is so cool! I wish I was there with you, but I'm also glad to be home. Can't wait to see you when you get back!

PS If you find some good deals on shirts for Logan, I'll pay you back!