New Fact! The military accounts for less than 1% of the population! And Kevin is now one of the elite!
It happened so quick! Yesterday Rich and I went into the National Guard office to fill out some paperwork for Kevin. He had chosen to join the guard and things moved fast after that.
It was quite a shock when the recruiter told us that Kevin could use the money to help his girlfriend and his new baby that was coming. Needless to say that was quite a shock to us! We were floored and kept telling him it was a mistake, but he kept saying, no, I'm sure it was Kevin. We went home feeling really sick.
Thank goodness 2 hours later Kevin called us and told us the recruiter made a horrible mistake and it was another kid. Those were a couple of really long hours for us!
Anyway, Kevin spent today taking tests and filling out medical papers. And then! He made it in! $5000 bonus, and another bonus of $200 a month on top of his pay. Full scholarship, and when he joins the ROTC, which he is doing, free room and board! He will be in training, first at Ft. Benning, in October, and will be training for 30 weeks!
It was awesome watching him sworn in! Logan and Chase were able to come and see it. And his mentor was there too!
I'm so proud of his decision! He has grown up so much! Only sad part is that I am now an official empty nester! Where did the years go?
I cannot believe this. The pregnancy thing threw me for a loop too! Im so proud of kevin! I better be getting him a letter. Hopefully ben will let me fly out for his graduation!
Come on up Mandi! I have a companion fare if you want to use it! I would love for you and Ryker to come, if Ben has to work! We could have fun!
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