Thursday, September 27, 2007

Autumn Hiking

I took probably the last hike of the year tonight. Bonnie, Erin and Leah, Jessica, Scott, Rori, and Titan, and I all took off about 5 p.m. to hike up Mile High. The weather was cool, but partly sunny. It had rained for 4 days earlier, so the trail was very slick and muddy. We had a great time and even got some blueberries. We also saw a bear in the distance. Scott spotted it.

At the top it was very windy and cold, and the kids started crying. it was a long trip down, but we made it before it got dark.

We are into school now about 5 weeks. I have a pretty good class, but there are always a couple that just don't do what they are supposed to. One funny story is when we were studying some vocabulary and one of the words was precious. After I wrote the word on the board I heard this creepy Lord of the Rings voice saying, "My little precious." It was really funny and I didn't get upset with the Jordan. In fact the next day as we were studying the word again I let all the kids use their best Lord of the Rings voice. Ahhh we have fun in school!

Termination Dust has come, and the leaves are mostly turned colors and are dropping fast. There is a great chill in the air. Winter is just around the corner!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just love it when you up-date your web site. I hope you continue to add to it throughout the whole year. Its so fun to look at the pictures and be updated with all that you do. You are amazingly active!!! Im so impressed!!!! I love you, Catherine