Thursday, December 4, 2008

2008 Christmas Letter

Thayer’s Top Ten of 2008

10. We survived another year in Alaska, with Rich loving it, and Diane ready to move to a warmer climate. There were 7 days where the highest temperature for the summer hit 65, rainy and cold the rest of the time. The dark, cold, and distance from family is taking a toll on her.

9. Rich hit a bull moose in October and survived. The car only has a small rippling dent in it.

8. Rich and I celebrated my 50th with a cruise to the Western Caribbean, and a visit to see Adam, Mindy, Caden, and Ambree in October.

7. Kevin turned the big 16 in September. He is working at Walmart as a cashier, earning money, credits for high school (to make up for taking seminary), and is out of the house for 16 hours a week!

6. Amanda and Dustin added a sister for Cami. Addison, was born in August. They live in Utah.

5. Ben and Mandi blessed us with a grandson named Ryker, born in March. Ben now has a permanent wildfire fighting position N.P.S Zion Helitack, in Cedar City, Utah.

4. Adam and Mindy added a sister for Caden to their family. Ambree joined the family in October. This makes our 5th grandchild. Adam is still working as a police officer in Dallas, and has lots of exciting stories to tell.

3. Diane is still teaching 4th grade, had two hernia operations this year, went to China to teach again for the summer and recruited lots of friends to go with her, and turned the big 50.

2. Rich retired after 28 years in the Public Health Service. He is now substituting for the Anchorage School District. He was able to fish all summer and fill the freezer with halibut and salmon.

1.We are blessed with the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives, good health, a warm home, plenty to eat, wonderful friends and family, and more blessings than we can count. You can check out our blog at and email to

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! The Thayer’s